Thick of it lyrics

KSI - Thick Of It ft. Trippie Redd (Thick of it lyrics)

Thick of it lyrics

Here is the full Thick of it lyrics of the song:

The Thick of it lyrics have already captured hearts worldwide.

What is Thick of It?

"Thick of It" is a song by English internet personality and boxer KSI featuring American rapper Trippie Redd.

"Thick of It" was released for digital download and streaming via Warner Music Group, Beerus Limited, and Atlantic Records on 3 October 2024.

The song received overwhelmingly negative reviews from audiences but was a moderate commercial success, reaching number 8 on the UK Singles Chart and number 64 on the US Billboard Hot 100.

More about Thick of it
  • Released: 3 October 2024
  • Genre: Pop rap
  • Length: 2:40
  • Label: Atlantic & Warner
  • Songwriter(s): Olajide Olatunji, Michael Lamar White IV, Ray Michael Djan Jr., Anthony Kiedis, Billy Crabtree, Chad Smith, Flea, John Frusciante, Joseph Baxter, Miles Gould, Vivan Proton Bellinfantie
  • Producer(s): Ray Michael Djan Jr.